BMI Weekly News

BMI Weekly News

November 19, 2018


â- BMI Winter Gathering is Friday, December 7, 2018, 11:00am-3:00pm, 7370 Scott Hall. There is a sign-up sheet on main office door for dish to share (appetizer, dessert or beverage). Donations: $20 Faculty, $7 Students & Staff. Donations can be given to BMB M.S. student, Alexander Ochocki.

â- Congratulations to our following BMI faculty who received awards at the annual Award and P&T Reception. Drs. Robert Akins, Bharati Mitra, Kevin Theis, Harley Tse, Jeffrey Withey, and Zhe Yang received the College Teaching Award. Dr. Jeffrey Withey also received the Research Excellence award along with retreat faculty member, Dr. Jeffrey Tseng.

Departmental Events

â- No Seminar - Thanksgiving week.

â- Next RDP/Journal Club is Monday, November 26, 2018, 12:30-1:20pm, 3125 Scott Hall School of Medicine. PhD Student, Nathan Kelley, Title: "Gasdermin D Exerts Anti-inflammatory Effects by Promoting Neutrophil Death" by Kambara et. al. Mentor: Dr. Yuan He

â- Thomas Holland Retirement Symposium - Friday, November 30, 2018, in Mazurek Education Commons, 320 E Canfield Ave., Rooms 301-303, Detroit, MI 48201. Reception 11:00am-1:00pm and the symposium will be from 1:00pm-4:30pm. The program will include some outstanding speakers. Be sure to look at the announcement attached for the speaker profiles on the second page.

Other Events Happening:

â- Dr. Ladislau C. Kovari will chair the "Therapeutics and novel study models" session at the HIV DART AND EMERGING VIRUSES 2018 event being held in Miami, Florida, November 27-29, 2018. Kovari Abstract: HIV Dart and Emerging Viruses 2018: "Development of protease inhibitors against norovirus and other emerging viruses" (abstract attached).

BMI Departmental Courses

Week of November 19, 2018

â- BMB 7010 Biochemistry - Class Meets in Room 3125 Scott Hall, Tues and Thurs, 2:30-4:20 pm.

Tues Nov 20 Fourth Exam 4 (lectures 31-40, 100 points)

Green Auditorium, 2:30-4:30 PM

Thurs Nov 22 Thanksgiving - No Class

â- BMB 7030: Core concepts and technologies in biochemistry and molecular biology - Class Meets in Room 4370 Scott Hall, Mon and Wed, 10:30am-12:10pm

Mon Nov 19 Exam Modules 5-6 (tentative). SETS evaluations for modules 5-6 due.

Wed Nov 21 2nd Research Plan draft due: literature review with references (endnotes)

â- IM 7040: Fundamentals of Research Fall 2018 V1 Classes meet 2-3 times/week either in room 7364

Or 4364 Scott Hall (check schedule). Sessions will run from 1:30-2:20pm. Director: Dr. Raghavendar Thipparthi, 7213 Scott Hall, 313-577-1310,

Tues (11/20) Pellett CDC and others - 7374 Scott Hall Turn in Paper 2

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday!

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