Congratulations to the newly elected 2019-2020 BMI Student Board Officers:
President: Kendall Muzzarelli
Vice President: Nathan Kelley
Seminar Committee: Madison Peterson (IM) and Cameron Roberts (BMB)
Graduate Student Rep:
BMB MS: Kaitlyn Gordon
BMB PhD: Cameron Roberts
IM MS: Taylor Vensko
IM PhD: Michael Pawlitz
Social Committee: Raniya Abdel Haq and Taylor Vensko
And a special "Thank You" goes out to our 2018-2019 BMI Student Board Officers!
BMI TeamHeart walk updates:
Faculty are in the lead with 43% completion towards their goal, while students trail at 20%.
Departmental Events
BMI Seminar: Speaker, Grace Chen, Ph.D. Title:"Host-microbial interactions in the development of inflammation and tumors in the colon". Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 11:30am-12:25pm, 2268 Scott Hall, School of Medicine.Hosted by: Dr. Yuan He
American Heart Association's 2019 Metro Detroit Heart and Stroke Walk/Run on Saturday, May 18, 2019. If you would like to join the Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology team and/or make a donation click on link Donations can also be made with cash or check which you can drop off at the BMI office (7374 Scott Hall) to either April or Mary.