BMI Weekly News
BMI Weekly News
July 8, 2019
â- Congratulations to Nathan Kelley, Devon Jeltema, Yanhui Duan and Yuan He for publishing "The NLRP3 Inflammasome: An Overview of Mechanisms of Activation and Regulation" in International Journal of Molecular Sciences, as part of a Special Issue on Cytoplasmic Sensors: Infection, Inflammation, and Immunity. The article is available here.
â- Congratulations to Andrew Winters and Kevin Theis, in collaboration with the Perinatology Research Branch, published a paper this week in Scientific Reports that demonstrates a molecular microbial signal in the endometrium of approximately two-thirds of women. In contrast to prior related studies, this study shows that Lactobacillus is not a dominant member of the human endometrial microbiome. Instead, if an endometrial microbiome does indeed exist, it is dominated by Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas. This is important because researchers have been suggesting that probiotic Lactobacillus should be introduced into the endometrium prior to in vitro fertilization to promote fertilization and pregnancy success. The current study shows that such measures are premature.
â- No July BMI Faculty meeting. The next BMI faculty meeting is Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 11:30am-12:30pm in 7364 Scott Hall.
â- The NEW DATE for BMI 2019 Department Summer Picnic is Wednesday, August 21, 2019, 11:30 a.m. at Belle Isle Shelter #12. Attendees are asked to either bring a dish to share or make a donation ($5 students and $10 faculty) to help cover the costs of site rental, permits and food. The department will provide the plates & utensils, buns, hamburgers, hotdogs, and all the fixings. Alcohol is permitted at the shelter, but we ask that you please BYOB. Donations can be given to April in the BMI office. The sign-up sheet for dish to share is located on the office door. RSVP by Friday, August 16th. See Attachments: BMI Summer Picnic (with complete details including driving directions) and Belle Isle map.
â- The Inaugural Midwest Virology Symposium will take place October 11-13, 2019 at the Ohio State University. It will feature a truly outstanding lineup of faculty speakers at and offers opportunities for posters and talks by students and fellows.