BMI Weekly News- February 17, 2020
BMI Weekly News
February 17, 2020
- Congratulations to Dr. Yuan He, who was awarded a 2020 AAI Early Career Faculty Travel Grant, which will enable him to attend the IMMUNOLOGY 2020 meeting in Hawaii.
- Save this date! Thursday, March 5, 1:00-2:30pm The 24th Aline U. and James M. ORTEN Memorial Lecture will be held on in the Green Auditorium, Scott Hall. Speaker: Laura Kiessling, Ph.D., Novartis Professor of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Title: “Using Chemical Biology to Elucidate the Biological Roles of Carbohydrates”. Hosted by: BMI Students; Student Rep, Cameron Roberts
- KCI Cancer Screening Friday, April 17, 2020, 1-4pm. See attached flyer for details.
Departmental Events
- BMI Seminar: Speaker, Shannon Manning, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, Michigan State University. Title: “Compositional and functional changes in the intestinal microbiome following infection with enteric pathogens”. Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 11:30am, 2268 Scott Hall, School of Medicine. Hosted by: Dr. Kevin Theis
- Journal Club/RDP: Masters Student, Taylor Vensko, presentation title: “Utilization of a 3D-cell culture model to study Human Cytomegalovirus virion maturation and egress.” Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 11:30am-12:20pm, 3125 Scott Hall, School of Medicine. Mentor: Dr. Philip Pellett
- Next BMI Seminar: Speaker: Jared Schrader, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Departmen of Biological Sciences, Wayne State University. Title: "TBA". Tuesday, February 25, 2020, 11:30am, 2268 Scott Hall, School of Medicine. Hosted by: Madison Peterson and BMI students
- Next Journal Club/RDP: PhD Student, Isabella Cubillejo, presentation title: “TBA” Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 11:30am-12:20pm, 3125 Scott Hall, School of Medicine.
Other Events
- Today’s Special Seminar Presentation: Speaker, Phillip A. Sharp, Ph.D., Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Monday, February 17th 12:15pm at the Welcome Center Auditorium. “Dynamic Condensates Formed by Phase Transition in Regulation of Transcription”. Host: Sumit Bandyopadhyay (BSGSA). See attachment for details.
- Dr. Yuan He will be one of the ten Junior Scientist Speakers at the Mucosal Immunology Symposium, Local Chapter 2020 - Michigan at the University of Michigan on March 6, 2020, 9am-6pm, Palmer Commons, Forum & Great Lakes room. The Keynote Speaker is Nicholas W. Lukacs, PhD, University of Michigan. Dr. Lukacs received his PhD from Wayne State University in 1992, advisor Dov L. Boros, Ph.D.