BMI Weekly News - February 3, 2025

BMI Weekly Newsletter

February 3, 2025


  • Congratulations to BMB PhD Student, Pelumi Oladipo, for Honorable mention Award from the GSRPD!
  • Congratulations to BMB PhD Student, Thamarahansi Mugunamalwaththa, on being selected to receive the 2025 Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Researcher Award! This prestigious award will support her travel to ASBMB in Chicago this year, where she will be presenting her research on "The biochemical basis of SMYD5 activating HIV latency via assembling a TAR-RNA Transactivation Complex".

This Week’s Events:

  • No seminar scheduled for this week.
  • Journal Club: Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 11:30a.m., Room 3125 Scott Hall

Two presentations:

1st Presenter: BMB MS student, Lauren Pavelich

Title: “Unveiling a Novel Regulation of Respiratory Supercomplex Through Inhibitory Tyrosine 304 Phosphorylation at Cytochrome c Oxidase subunit 1 Causing Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Hearts of Cohen Diabetic Rats”

Mentor: Dr. Maik Huettemann

2nd Presenter: BMB MS student, Shalini Suman

Title: “SMYD5 is a Regulator of the Mild Hypothermia Response”

Mentor: Dr. Zhe Yang

Upcoming Events:

  • BMI Seminar: Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 11:30a.m., Room 2268 Scott Hall

Speaker: Mariana Angoa-Perez, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine

Title: “Understanding the Gut-Brain Connection: Lessons from Animal Models of Addiction and Neuroinflammation”

Host: Dr. Bharati Mitra

  • Journal Club: Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 11:30a.m., Room 3125 Scott Hall

Two presentations:

1st Presenter: IMM MS student, Alfonso Buckner

Title: “A Brief Overview of Comparative Genomics”

2nd Presenter: IMM MS student, Audrey Couturier

Title: TBA

Mentor: Dr. Jiahui Ding

  • IFG Midwest Immunology Conference: The annual meeting of the Translational Research Cancer Centers Consortium (TRCCC) will be held February 19-21, 2025, Seven Springs Mountain Resort Champion, Seven Springs, PA. Host: Boris Pasche, MD, PhD, Director.  Organizers: Wei-Zen Wei, PhD and Heather Gibson, PhD. The Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute. See the attached flyers for updates and event details.

Campus News:

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