BMI Weekly News - January 27, 2025

BMI Weekly Newsletter

January 27, 2025

This Week’s Events:

Keynote Speaker: Mark Greenwald, Ph.D., Associate Department Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Professor and Associate Chair for Research: Gertrude Levin Endowed Chair in Addict

Topic: “Unmet Research Needs for Treating Opioid Use Disorder”

For information and registration: See flyer attachment.

  • BMI Seminar: Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 11:30a.m., Room 2268 Scott Hall

Speaker: Ryan Insolera, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Visual and Anatomical Sciences, Wayne State University School of Medicine

Title: “Investigation of In Vivo Neuronal Mitophagy”

Host: Dr. Bharati Mitra

There will be a student/speaker lunch in room 7370 after the seminar.

  • Journal Club: Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 11:30a.m., Room 3125 Scott Hall

Two presentations:

1st Presenter: IMM MS student, Natalie McGinnis
Title: “Elucidating the Metabolic and Physiological Properties of Sneathia sanguinegens
Mentor: Dr. Kevin Theis

2nd Presenter: IMM MS student, Himani Karunathilake
Title: "The Silent Influencer: Prevotella bivia’s Impact on Vaginal Microbiome Dynamics”
Mentor: Dr. Kevin Theis

Upcoming Events:

  • No seminar scheduled for this week.
  • Journal Club: Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 11:30a.m., Room 3125 Scott Hall

Two presentations:

1st Presenter: BMB MS student, Stephanie Taylor
Title: TBA
Mentor: Dr. Maik Huettemann

2nd Presenter: BMB MS student, Shalini Suman
Title: TBA
Mentor: Dr. Zhe Yang

  • Next BMI Seminar: Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 11:30a.m., Room 2268 Scott Hall

Speaker: Mariana Angoa-Perez, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, Wayne State University School of Medicine

Title: “Understanding the Gut-Brain Connection: Lessons from Animal Models of Addiction and Neuroinflammation”

Host: Dr. Bharati Mitra  

  • IFG Midwest Immunology Conference: The annual meeting of the Translational Research Cancer Centers Consortium (TRCCC) will be held February 19-21, 2025, Seven Springs Mountain Resort Champion, Seven Springs, PA. Host: Boris Pasche, MD, PhD, Director.  Organizers: Wei-Zen Wei, PhD and Heather Gibson, PhD. The Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute. See the attached flyers for updates and event details.

Campus News:

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